My sister, Amber, is the most wonderful person I know. She and I have been sisters my whole life, and we've been best friends for that long to (we just didn't always know it.) She has been the greatest second mommy to my triplets, and she has wanted a baby of her own for years. On Monday, Febuary 23, 2009 she became a mommy at 12:59pm. Her little man, Justin Dean (JD), weighed 7lbs 14oz and was 20 3/4 inches long. She is going to be a great Mommy, and Larry is going to be a wonderful Daddy.

Congratulations Sis!!!! I love you more than words could ever describe, and I am so proud to be your sister.

Larry, I couldn't have asked for a better brother in law than you. You are such a great man for my sister, and JD couldn't have gotten a better Daddy!! I love you!
My precious little Justin, I am so excited to be your Auntie and so very happy that you are in our family, and I know that you have made the sun shine brighter for your parents. You are a very loved little boy, and I can't wait to get to know you, and give you tons and tons of hugs and kisses. Your cousins are looking forward to meeting you, too. We love you and welcome to the world!!!

welcome to the world little jd! what a beautiful baby he is!
Larry & Amber, Congratulations. JD, welcome welcome welcome. You are an answer to prayers. What a wonderful blessing all around. The smile on your faces light up the sky. Enjoy every second!
I'm soooooooooooooooo happy for Amber and Larry. And amber and larry are lucky to have a sister that luvs them so ;)
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