Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Precious Babies

My babies are scared of the grass :) We have been going out to the backyard here lately and they will not get of the blanket. I tried to just sit them in the grass and that was a big no go! They love being outside but don't understand what the grass and why it feels so funny.

We took them out to eat, TWICE. It was actually a lot of fun. Brandon and I took them to Chile's after an adventure at Wal-Mart and they did really well. We were even getting into their nap time and they didn't break down at all. The hardest part was trying to keep their hands out of everything, They gave us 1 highchair and 2 booster seats and we really needed 3 highchairs. Our 2nd time out was for Tiada's birthday and we went to Boston's, which is my FAVORITE place to eat. It went Great. They babies did absolutely amazing. We left when I was ready and not when the babies were ready. They had 3 highchairs for us and there were plenty of people there that every baby had one on one attention. It was so much fun. We took them to a bbq on Sunday and they did great there too. It was a little hot, but we had a good time. I think we have gone more places in the last 2 weeks then we had all winter long and its been so nice.

Cheyenne is really getting around in her walker. She follows Brody and Savannah around like she is crawling along with them. I don't know what else to do so I am putting it all in her hand for a little while to see if maybe she will just figure it out. The walker has been a life changing object in the our house. Cheyenne is laughing and just being a very happy baby. She is also pointing all the time.... I think her finger is stuck in that position, lol. Well when she needs a place to rest her pointing finger it is in her nose.

Savannah is in so much pain. She has 2 blood blisters on her gums and they are really giving her a lot of pain. We took her to the dentist about a month ago and he said that we just had to wait it out. Poor little girl! She is biting everything. She bites me, her siblings, her toys, and even herself. I don't know what to do for her and it is killing me.

Brody HATES being on his back for anything. Changing his diaper has become the biggest challenge around here. He fights me every second. A 15 second diaper change has turned into a 5 minute fight. But on a good note he is cruisin. He loves to stand and he attempts it everywhere and on everything.

Brandon and I are doing good too. We are really having a lot of fun with the new stages in the babies lives. We love being able to take them places and getting out a little ourselves. I went to the movies a couple of nights ago to see Sex and the City with Tiada and had a great time. LOVED the movie!!! I never watched the series while it was on tv, but when the babies were in the NICU I borrowed the entire season from Tiada and watched it from beginning to end so sharing the theatre movie with Tiada was pretty special for me.

I still don't have a way to download pictures right now, but we are planning to get my desktop set back up this weekend. I will post new pictures as soon as I can.


Anonymous said...

I am so happy you are enjoying every minute with those beautiful babies. The first few times I took Hunter out on the grass, he didn't like the way it felt either, but pretty soon they'll be running barefoot in the backyard. I wish I could tell you the fighting the clothes and diaper changes get better, but Hunter still fights me every single time. It's like a cage match for every change, and I have no tap out! Boys are soooo much fun, and later, his sisters will keep him in check too, haha. Thank you for letting me be a part of their lives through this blog, since I haven't been able to get over and see them, it means a lot to me.

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