Sunday, September 2, 2007

It 's been a month...

I really have a hard time finding the time to get online. I am busy busy busy!!! The babies are doing very well. We are just eating and growing. My mom was here for a month and I thought I was busy then. She left last Saturday and this past week was HARD. I made it, barely, but I made it. Thank heavens for family because without them I don't know what I would do. So real fast I want to say a special I love you to Amber, Larry, Misti, Tiada, and Jenasea. Aunts and Uncles are so important to these little angels and to Brandon and I.

Last night I got 13 hours of sleep. Yes you read that right. We decided to take the babies to Grammy and Grandpa's house. I decided I was going to take a "nap" at 6pm and I got to sleep until 7am this morning. I woke up at midnight and went to check on the babies and Brody and Savannah were asleep in the pack n play and Cheyenne was cuddled up with Auntie Tiada. Grammy was asleep on the couch. It was really cute and so nice of them. So I feel like a brand new woman this morning.

We have been going to the dr at least once a week for some reason or another, but we are doing ok. All the babies are off the oxygen and doing great on room air. Cheyenne is still having to get her eyes checked every two weeks. Her right eye is mature with no ROP, but her left eye is immature with stage 2 ROP. The dr said he doesn't think it will get worse, but since it isn't mature yet it could go either way. Have I said how much I hate taking her to the eye doctor?

This past week was the first week we didn't have a doctor appointment for any of them, but we still got to go see a doctor. I changed Brody's diaper Tuesday morning and he had a huge blister down there. I thought I wasn't changing him enough or something, but then Wednesday morning I changed him and he had two clusters of blister about an inch above the other one. So I called the doctor and they told us to come in. The doctor thinks its a staff infection so he did a culture and started him on an antibiotic. He seems to be doing fine and he hasn't had a fever or anything. We go back to the dr on Tuesday for their 4mo check up and shots. So we will find out more about the infection then.

Savannah is doing great. She is our little drama queen. She must be held at all times or she screams her head off. All together we are all doing wonderful. Tomorrow is their 4mo birthday so I will post pictures then.


Anonymous said...

Happy 4 month Birthday Happy 4 month Birthday
What a long way you have all come, learning many new things along the way, and experiencing a wealth of emotions.
And hasn't it all been worth every moment.
It sounds like they are doing wonderfully. Wow 13 hours of sleep, I bet you hadn't had that much since they were born in a whole month. I am so happy for you all.
Just remember He is always with you and your family has an army of guardian angels.
p.s.--I think Savannah sounds justa tad like her Auntie Amber ;)

Keeping you all in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

13 hours of sleep sounds well deserved! I think what it was like with 1 baby. You sure are super mom! And sounds like you got a super dad helping you out! I love reading your guys blog. I just really wish I could get a chance to come down and see the little bugs myself.

When you get a chance, send me your mailing addy. Ron and I want to send some stuff down.

Anna said...

Congrats on how well your babies are doing—I found you through another triplet blog that I read!

I wonder, if in all your free time :)
you might have an opportunity to post on my site advice for a triplet momma to be--she doesn't have a blog, so I am requesting baby advice for her, but us singleton mommas don't really have all the advice for her!

Thank you!

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