Sunday, August 12, 2007

Another day

I really wanted to do better at blogging, but I just can't seem to find the time. My mom has been here for two weeks and even with three of us it is so hard to find time for myself. We are all doing wonderful. Brody is feeling so much better. He hit 9lbs on Friday and just eats like a champ. Cheyenne and Savannah are eating great too. I can't believe how much I love these babies. Everyday when I am just feeling overwhelmed and exhausted I just pick one of my babies up and smile. I think they would all sleep 5 or 6 hours at night if we would let them. I have to wake them up to eat and then it takes everything to get them to eat an ounce. But during the day they stay awake for hours at a time and eat great. I don't really know when I will be able to let them sleep until they wake up to eat, but I am going to ask about that at their doctors appointment in the morning. I don't have a lot to report because they are just newborns. All they do is eat, sleep and poop.

Nana has been a great help. She is totally exhausted, but she still takes a shift at night. I don't know what I am going to do when she goes back to California. Brandon and I got to go out to dinner last night. David and Virgie came to see us from Artesia bought us dinner and helped Nana with the babies. Thank you so much "grandpa and grandma" Romine. We love you and can't wait to see you again.


Anonymous said...

I'm surprised you have to time to shower and get dressed, much less blog! I only had one and many days it was afternoon before I was in the shower; but isn't their sleeping, eating, and pooping worth it all!!! The way they are growing and eating and being loved is proof that God put them with exactly the right family!
Thank you for sharing.

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