Saturday, January 26, 2008

Mine! Mine! Mine!

It is starting already. Each of them wants the toy that the other one has. It is cute now but I know it won't be cute later on.

So I can't really tell if nap time is getting any better. I started just putting them down and letting them cry it out a week ago. I think they are going to sleep faster which is the most important thing to me because I really hate hearing them cry, but they sure don't sleep for very long. So if any mamas want to give me some advice it would be appreciated. How long do or did your babies sleep at nap time. Around here we cry for about 10 minutes and then we sleep maybe 45 minutes and that's on a good day. Aren't they suppose to sleep longer than that? I have been battling with the naps since they have been home.

My other issue is that we aren't eating any solids yet. We are strictly formula. I am hoping that we will start some sort of solids next week. Our next dr appointment is on the 4th of Feb and I am hoping that our pedi tells us to start. She told us at our 6 month appointment that the babies weren't neurologically ready to start. I guess we will see. I have also been told by both my pediatricians and have read in numerous articles that solids don't help your baby sleep better or more. Now I believe a lot of what the doctors and the experts say, but I have a very hard time believing this. I know that when you start your babies on solids its more of experimenting and finding what they like and don't like and they are still getting their nutrition from their formula, but it has to help a little. What do ya'll think?

They are getting so strong and loving their tummys. Well Savannah and Brody love their tummys. I put them to bed on their backs but when they wake up they are on their tummys. This is the milestone I thought we would never reach and it is so exciting that we have.

Here is a picture of Brody and Savannah on their tummys and Cheyenne sitting up cuz thats what she likes to do.


Anonymous said...

The pictures are adorable of them


Anonymous said...

Too Cute! I can honestly say that solids made a difference in how my girls slept. Hopefully you will get the clearance soon. I did not get my girls taking good naps until 10 months, so I probably won't be of much help, but at 10 months, I decided they needed two hours of rest. It doesn't matter if they sleep or not, they are in their bed for two hours. If they woke up before the two minutes, then they rested in the quite. They woke up a few time and would cry a little bit and then go back to sleep.

We now take two two hour naps a day. It is heaven!

Kimberly and the GA Guinn Trips

Anonymous said...

The babies are all getting so BIG! As far as the nap situation, I let mine take two naps per day until they were one, but if that can not be reached, then just stick with what you are doing. When they become more mobile, they may need to sleep more because they are doing more!!!
Hang in there!!!

Dawn Hudson said...

They all look so cute!! And you are right about the toys and mine. It's only going to get a lot worse! ;)

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