Sunday, January 6, 2008


Well my parents will be here in about 3 hours and I am so excited.

I haven been trying something new with the babies lately. They don't nap very well and I rock babies all day long so I have decied to try the CIO method. I hate it! It kills me to here them crying, but it seems to be working. They cry for about 5-10 minutes and then they all go to sleep at the same time. Its actually really nice for me because I get a little down time during the day. I still rock them to sleep at night, but I may start trying to let them put themselves to sleep for bedtime too. I don't know.

Anyway we are all doing so good. Brody and Cheyenne both have their bottom two teeth and Savannah has one bottom tooth. It is so cute!

Here is a video of the babies. I like it a lot because if you notice Brody sooths both the girls with his touch.


guinnf said...

I am so glad the babies are doing so well. I am also a CIO momma. It sucks at first, and I promise I'd cried more than they did, but now they take two two hour naps everyday without crying and even go to bed when they get tired without a fight. It is completely worth it.

Kimberly and the GA Guinn Triplets

Anonymous said...

Hope your visit with your family is going great for you. The babies are growing so much

Anonymous said...

How was your visit with your family

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