Thursday, June 7, 2007

One more day...

and the girls are scheduled to move to Presbytarian to be with Brody. I can not wait. As long as there are no emergencies for the transport team tomorrow we will finally all be together again.

Brody you are strong little buger. They keep turning your oxygen down and you just keep doing wonderful. At this rate it won't be long until you will be breathing all by yourself. Daddy and I have been trying so hard to get you and your sisters back together again. We were planning on sending you back to UNM but as we were making the plans your surgeon told us that we would have to wait at least another two weeks. Although your head ultrasound looks good the doctor thinks we may still have to put in a shunt. But we can't put in a shunt until you weigh at least 4 1/2 pounds so we have to just sit and wait. There is still a chance you won't need the shunt in 2 or 3 weeks but they want you to stay where the surgeon is in case you do. It makes me sad to think how wonderful you are doing and the set backs it will cause if you have to have another surgery. We will cross that bridge when it gets here.

Savannah and Cheyenne, my angel girls, tomorrow is the big day. I can not wait for you to be with your brother. You are both doing so well. You are both still on the Hundson CPAP and I don't really know what that will mean for you when you get to Presbytarian. They will probably have you trying the nasal cannula CPAP very soon. You are both getting so much bigger and stronger everyday. Nothing much have changed with the two of you. You both are going up on your feeds, one ounce at a time. Keep growing baby girls!

Everyone is doing pretty good right now. Mommy and Daddy are exhausted, but so happy. We love that things seem to be getting better by each passing day. We love you three more than words can say.


Anonymous said...

One of my friends praying for the babies said to let you know that her baby was a 3 pounder and just graduated happy and healthy from High School.
I hope the babies are all together soon; so you can get a little bit of rest.
Just know that when you are away or not able to hold them, they are being held in God's loving hands and watched over by their guardian angels at all times. You guys are too!!

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