Sunday, June 3, 2007

Happy 1 Month Birthday

Happy Birthday my Angels!!! Today is the day I had marked on my calendar from the day I found out I was having triplets. I knew I was going to deliver you guys early, but I didn't want to have you one day sooner than June 3rd. Look at us now, we are celebrating 1 month old on June 3rd and you all are so precious and special. I want you to be home with us so bad. We have a while to go but I am so anxious its driving me crazy. I know we'll make it but I can't wait.

Savannah, they are trying to wing you off the Hudson CPAP. They turned your settings down and you are doing great. All the nurses say you are my little feisty one. You got to spend some time with Daddy today. You were so comfy and you did so well. Your time got cut kinda short because of shift change and you were not happy about that at all. I love you so much. Hopefully before long you can get the short prong CPAP and give your poor little nose a break. You hate those prongs in your nose and you are so strong that you can pick up your head and somehow get the prongs out of your nose. Keep doing good and those big prongs will be a thing of the past.

Cheyenne, my little sweetheart, you have to be strong. You have been off the ventilator for 5 days and have done well. But I think you are getting a little tired again. You have had too many little episodes today. The doctors really don't want to put you back on the ventilator so they are just watching you really close. We are praying that you push through this little rough spot, and I believe that you will. I got to cuddle with you for a little while today. I want to just hold you for hours and hours, but you haven't been doing so good when I hold you. I think our last 3 cuddle times have been cut short because you oxygen level drops. You are still eating full feeds but you have lost weight the past couple of nights. We are going to get through this!!

Brody, my little man, you are doing good. I got to hold you for 3 hours today. It was the highlight of my day. I could have set there with you forever, but I had to leave to go see the girls. We are trying to get you back together with your sisters. Hopefully it will happen in the next week. I asked the doctor when you were going to get your next head ultrasound and that is when I found out that you did get one last Wednesday. See if you were in the same hospital as your sisters I would have been there or at least known about it. The ultrasound didn't tell us anything new so they are using this as a base ultrasound for future ultrasounds. So while you are at Presbyterian Hospital you will get you ultrasounds every Wednesday. I am so excited with the progress you have made since your surgery. Before long I will be feeding you. Oh! I just can't wait.


Kristi said...

Happy birthday babies! They are doing so great, amazing how far they've come in one month. We are coming up on our trips 2 month birthday- my husband and I can't believe it's already been two months, while the other part of us feels like this has dragged on forever. I'm sure you know what I mean. Elijah may come home soon, but the other two it will be at least another month. Yuck. Hang in there, your little ones will be home before you know it.


Anonymous said...

Well it is good to hear that the kids are growing stronger by the day!! Michele I hope you and Brandon are doing ok please let me know if there is anything I can do for you guys. I am so thankful that we have reunited and I want you to know that I am proud of you for all of your strength and courage through this time. Your children are wonderful gifts from God and he will make everything better I promise.
Love you

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