Wednesday, December 5, 2007


So I didn't get any pictures posted on their actual birthday, but better late than never. Brandon has been sick so now we are just praying that the babies don't get sick too. Other than that we are all doing good. So here is what they weigh now:

Savannah: 11lbs 12oz
Cheyenne: 13lbs 6oz
Brody: 17lbs 12oz


Anonymous said...

They are beautiful babies

CohesiveChaos said...

Michele & Brandon, your family is absolutely beautiful I am so happy for both of you and for the 3 beautiful babies that you have been blessed with give them all hugs and kisses for me

Kristi said...

Sorry it's been awhile since I've checked on your babes! It's been crazy here lately!

They are getting so big, loving all those chubby cheeks! And yours beat mine rolling over, LOL. Elijah can roll over, the other two can't yet!

Unknown said...

If you don't mind my asking, from reading one of your other posts it appears you had the same problem I am facing now. My daughter sometimes cries relentlessly (one month old) and nothing in the world can stop her for at least couple of hours or so. I was wondering if you could share what you did to pacify one of your kids?

I can't know for sure when you respond to this email so I'd greatly appreciate it if you can email me directly at rdilipk AT gmail DOT com

thanks a ton for your time!

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