Wednesday, April 16, 2008

To have or not have animals...

So before I had babies I always saw my animals as my "kids". I am a 100% animal lover and completely believe that once you bring an animal in your home you must love them, care for them, and be responsible for them for the remainder of their precious lives. At the moment I have 3 dogs and no cats. I have Lady who is a 10 year old cocker spaniel, Bear is a 7 year old pomeranian, and Angel who is around 5 or 6 is a mini pincher. Angel has been here for a littl over a week... she just wondered up to the door and kinda made herself at home. I REFUSE to take any animal to the pound regardless of the situation so I have been feeding her, I took her to the vet to see if she had a chip and she doesn't and we've been checking the newspaper for lost dog ads. I will keep her as long as she needs a home and as long as she doen't endanger my children or other dogs. One of my dreams is to be able to open up a rescue for lost/unwanted animals.

Anyway my heart is breaking right now because we are going to have to find Lady a new home. She has always had a problem with peeing on the floor and that is why we have tile throughout our house, but since the babies have started crawling we needed some padding on the floor. Brandon went to home depot and bought a piece of carpet for $70 and we got to use it for a total of 12 days. We probably shouldn't of even been on it that long but I didn't notice that Lady was peeing on it until I stepped on a wet spot. I turned the carpet over to see if it was pee and OMG she had probably peed 10-15 times on that carpet. So there went $$$ down the drain and we just can't replace a rug or carpet ever other day and the babies have to be able to get on the floor and play. Do you see the dilema I am in? I love this dog, but we can't live this way.

Savannah and Brody are getting around very well these days. Brody still isn't crawling but he can low crawl just as fast as Savannah crawls. Brody always goes for the TV and Savannah always heads off to the kitchen. (we have gates ordered but they haven't arrived yet) So yesterday I was playing with them all on the floor and Cheyenne started crying and Brody was trying to pull the DVR off the stand and I was juggling them when I realized that Savannah had wandered off. I found her in the kitchen with the dog food bowl on her lap and dog food in her mouth, lol. Thank God she didn't choke on it!


Snowbird said...

Oh, Lordie, I don't know how you do it. I could just picture Savannah gobbling down that dog food. LOL. It sounds like a real circus.

I understand your feelings about having to give up Lady. It is a really tough decision but you do have to think of the babies first. Good luck in finding Lady and good and caring home. Maybe that is why Angel was sent to your home--to take the sting off of having to give up Lady

Anonymous said...

Ahh, the loveliness of dog food eating. My girls get into it at least once a week, but they can't be quiet about it, so I always catch them.

As for Lady, have you tried intense crate trainning? I had to do this with my big dog audi when she came to live with us. I am the same way with strays. If you want to give it a try, drop me an email and I'll let you know whats involved.

Kimberly and the GA Guinn Triplets

Anonymous said...

Wow, you have a lot going on. I have a cocker about the same age, Powder, and have the same problem with her. Can not house break her for anything when she has freedom of the whole house, she will just go wherever she wants to go. I understand it is a cocker problem.

I don't know where you ordered your gates from; but I got some great walk-through ones from Target and Petsmart has some really cool ones on their website. My whole house is gated, just to try to keep an eye on Powder. Gates everywhere and no babies! I also got a Pet-Spot-Bot and that is the greatest thing since sliced bread.

I believe you can go on line and list your new guest for people to view and an ad in the Journal is free for lost or found dogs.

I have seen a lot of babies crunch away on dog food, grossing out mom totally; heck my oldest even ate rolypoly bugs--while his dad watched. They all seemed to grow up just fine. Maybe you need a corral for the whole house.

I will ask around to see if anyone is in the market for a 4legged family member.

I think you should install one of those cameras in your house that films everytime there is movement, because your life is going to get more and more exciting. You could win prizes.

Will keep you all in my prayers.

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