Saturday, July 14, 2007

Go Brody Go

Brody is eating like a champ. He has taken all his feedings from the bottle today. They have decided to let him sleep until he wakes up hungry. He was on a every three hour feeding schedule, but this seems to be working. He took 80cc's every three and half hours. Please Lord let him keep going strong. Dr Marschaund (his head dr) has been on vacation for two weeks, but his team hasn't had to tap his reservoir in a month. He will be back on Monday and we will find out what our next step will be. That will be the determining factor of when our big guy can come home. He weighs 7lbs 3oz. Cheyenne is eating good, but we are taking it slow for her. Savannah has back stepped a little, but she will get it! Cheyenne weighs 5lbs 8oz and Savannah weighs 5lbs 9oz.


Anonymous said...

Everything those 3 little peanuts have accomplished is a miracle. Brody is absolutely amazing and his sisters will catch up to him soon. He is outnumbered, he has to have a headstart! As hard as it is, better to let them go home to your arms when it is right, than to have to bring them back.
Never forget God's hands are holding you all and He is in control.

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