Monday, July 9, 2007

Please Eat

We are all doing so wonderful. Getting bigger every day. They all three got their hearing exams today and PASSED. One less thing to worry about. I wasn't real worried about their hearing, but you never know.

So Brandon and I went to Santa Fe this weekend, just to hang out. We had an absolute blast. We stayed in a nice hotel on the plaza and we ate at my favorite restaurant, the Bull Ring. It was so wonderful, so thank you honey for taking me to Santa Fe. I love you!!!

The babies are all doing great, but we are having problems eating all our food from the bottle. Savannah did very well for about 24 hours and then she just went down hill. She barely will finish half a bottle at every feed. Cheyenne was a late bloomer, but she is doing better now. She can have two bottles per shift, so that is 4 bottles, and she has been doing good. We had a very bad feeding today at 2, 2:30, and 3. Savannah and Cheyenne would hardly eat so we ending up giving their feeds through the tube and stink bug Brody keep having brady's. Brody is doing the best (right now) on eating. This is it! All we are waiting for is to take the tube out of their noses and they are coming home. I want a day! I am so anxious I am driving myself crazy.

We have some "big" babies now. All of them are over 5lbs. Brody is a monster, he weighs 6lbs 8.3oz. Cheyenne has surpassed her sister and she weighs 5lbs 3ozs. And finally Savannah weighs 5lbs 0.3oz.


Anonymous said...

I think this time in the NICU is the worst. They are ready to come home expect for the feeding. It is frustrating and it sucks! Hopefully, it will be over soon!
Kimberly and the Guinn Trips

Kristi said...

I totally agree, this time in the nicu is the worst. They are sooo close to coming home, and it makes it that much harder to leave them. My advice, and I hope this doesn't happen to you, is *try* not to get your hopes up even when they say one may be coming home on a certain day. We had SO many letdowns with Elijah and Rowan coming home. Twice Elijah was ready to come home, and the day before he had an apnea/brady spell. Even when he hadn't had one in a week, he'd have them RIGHT before he was supposed to come home. It was so heartbreaking!
But like I said, I'll pray you don't have to go through that. I hope they'll say, she'll be home Monday! And she'll get to come home on Monday!
And the feeding thing can get frustrating too. We've found that if you push them, it makes them worse. It's so hard to be patient (trust me...we still have Joey in the nicu!) but taking it slow is really what's best for them. Going too fast can make them backstep.
I hope they come home VERY SOON!!


Anonymous said...

I look at the pictures of those beautiful babies and read your stories everyday and smile and cry at the same time. I'm so glad you two got a weekend away and enjoyed yourselves. They will be home soon; but I know it is not soon enough for you.
The love just radiates from the pictures.

April Doyal of VinylAffliction said...

Hugs sweetie, you're in the home stretch, they will all be home when they are ready. Our love and thoughts are with you. :X April

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