Wednesday, May 9, 2007

May 8, 2007

The last couple of days have been very exciting for us and you three children. I will never forget the smile that was on your mothers face when she was able to hold you Savannah, and her sitting in a rocking chair for three hours holding you Cheyenne. All these little moments that we are having are the first of many, but they are the ones that your mother and I will hold on to for the rest of our lives.

Brody, today was a milestone for you. You were put on C-PAP like your sisters. This means that your lungs are getting stronger each breath you take, and soon you wont have to have any help. The doctors said that your PDA is getting smaller after the first round of treatment, and they are going to continue the second round of treatment. This will be another three days of medicine and then they will do another echo on your heart to see if the duct is closing. Hopefully the doctors wont have to do a third round of treatment. The other exciting thing was you were the first one of my children that I was able to hold. You and I sat and had our first man-to-man talk. I mainly talked and you are a great listener.

Cheyenne, you and your mother were united today for the first time too. She couldn't wait to hold you. You have been doing so good; even though you are the smallest of the three. You are the only one eating right now. Your brother and sister wont get to eat until they are off their medicine.

Savannah, the doctors found that you have a PDA in your heart like your brother's. It is much smaller though. The doctors started treating you for it and after the first dose they couldn't hear the murmur in you heart anymore. Hopefully you will only have to go through one round of treatment.

Having you three in this world is exciting and scary all at the same time. You have so many people who love you that you don't even know yet, and it is a comfort knowing that you will never run out of love. People have given us diapers, clothes, and even money to help take care of the three of you, and we appreciate it so much. This journey would be a lot harder if it wasn't for all the love and help that we have receive from everyone.


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